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Surfing blind in Cornwall

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Newquay sea in the summer. The beach is empty and the water is blue.

Can blind people surf?

The short and very happy answer is yes! Living with arthritis since the age of 8 and taking an accessible surfing lesson in Cornwall as a teenager, I knew surfing could be adapted for those with limited mobility.

Back in September 2020 I took to the Cornish surf once more and surfed for the first time as a blind person. Not having great balance, thanks arthritis, and being totally blind, my only real reservation was whether or not I could maintain balance on the surfboard with both complications. I’m proud to say I did pretty well!

What is surfing?

Surfing is the sport of riding ocean waves towards the shore whilst either standing or lying on a board. The ultimate goal is to ride along the unbroken face of the wave and tuck into the tube created, as the wave’s lip breaks, known as a barrel. I don’t speak surf lingo, this was taken from Newquay Activity Centre but more about them in a moment


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