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Six Senses Svart: Arctic Eco-Travel Redefined

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Six Senses Svart©Six Senses

Embarking on a Regenerative Travel Experience

Set to open in 2024, Six Senses Svart in Norway is poised to redefine sustainable travel, going off-grid with the world’s first energy-positive hotel. Located just above the Arctic Circle, near the Svartisen glacier, this 94-room architectural wonder is a beacon of eco-conscious luxury and adventure.

Innovative Design for Minimal Environmental Impact

Inspired by local traditions and the stunning natural landscape, Svart is designed to minimize its environmental footprint. Perched on poles above the Holandsfjorden fjord, the hotel’s circular structure, reminiscent of the local ‘fiskehjell’ and ‘rorbu’, blends seamlessly into the surroundings, ensuring minimal disruption to the pristine glacial environment.

Eco-Conscious Features and Wellness Focus

  • Energy-Positive Approach: Svart’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond traditional measures, producing more renewable energy than it consumes.
  • Guest Wellness: Each room serves as a wellness concierge, adapting to guests’ states of mind and health with intuitive, non-invasive technology.
  • Sustainable Operations: The hotel aims for carbon neutrality, with self-sustaining features like waste and water management, and collaboration with local suppliers.

A Vision for the Future of Travel

Svart’s mission goes beyond offering a luxurious stay; it’s about raising awareness of regenerative travel and the importance of the polar region. The hotel’s design and operation are a testament to the potential of sustainable and energy-efficient solutions in hospitality.


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