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A wheelchair accessible family guide to Niagara

Reading Time: 5 minutes
The Niagara Falls

I bet this isn’t the view you’re used to! Did you know 90% of Niagara’s visitor’s skip out on the U.S. side of the falls? I used to make that same mistake. It’s said that in Canada you can see the falls, but in New York you can feel the falls. Not only does the U.S. side offer unique views of Horseshoe Falls, it also gives an unparalleled experience in walking over, between, and through the rushing waters.

Niagara Falls U.S.A. recently went through a $70 million dollar renovation that largely focused on making the park and scenic areas ADA accessible. It’s easy to navigate with a wheelchair, there’s loads of fun beyond just the breathtaking falls, it’s significantly more budget friendly than across the border, and, for now, it’s the only side we can get to!

When to Go

Summer months are the most crowded, but that could be because it gets really cold at the falls in the winter! In fact, if you’re willing to brave the low temps, you can catch the amazing spectacle of a frozen Niagara Falls. We’ve been in June and had temps as low as 40 degrees. We’ve also hit highs in the 70’s in that same month. Moral of the story? Pack a jacket, whenever you go!


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