Disney Accessibility
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Seven Tips for Doing Disney with Kids with Disabilities (That you won’t find anywhere else!)
Ok, I know everyone and their brother has written about their Disney travel experiences, but I still want to highlight a couple of things that we didn’t find online (and I read EVERYTHING Disney before we went). For convenience, I’m going to split this into two, brief, focused entries.
First: Accessibility
What you can read anywhere:
- Upon arrival in any park, guests with a disability that prohibits them from waiting in a standard line may obtain a DAS pass to present at a ride and receive a return time at the attraction comparable to the current wait time.
- Disney has lists of accessibility options for each ride. A handful of rides were never renovated, and wheelchairs can still just skip the line.
What you won’t get anywhere else:
1. Your stroller can count as a wheelchair
You can get a handy tag at Guest Services that enables you to take the strollers into all of those places that say, “No Strollers Allowed.” (The Disney Parks Moms Panel says the opposite. I don’t know why. There were loads of strollers with the tag – including mine)