The Unseen Working – Andrea’s Story of Hope

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not; They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23
On the surface of this verse, it can feel like a very happy verse. It’s a verse that fills us with joy and hope, especially when we are navigating uncharted roads that life can bring us. Often, when comforting others who are facing something difficult, we share a glimpse of a verse with someone to help lighten the burden they are facing. I think we also do this because it brings us a sense of comfort, but we can easily miss that the verses of hope were often first birthed through pain. When we look at the context of Lamentations, we see the pain and darkness the author was facing. It seems he lost all hope. I think we can all probably relate to a time where we felt this exact way.
A few weeks back I sat in the living room of a young lady named Andrea. As we shared with each other we were brought to tears as we reflected on the faithfulness of God. A year earlier, Andrea, was living on the third floor of an apartment where the elevator she needed to take in her wheelchair often broke down.