Tonga and Samoa: Unexpected Beauty

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Travel
I am completely overcome with emotion. You would think that by this point in my journey, there wouldn’t be much left for me to learn. But every day, every person I encounter, every meal I have, I learn something new. I was prepared for the long flights, the poor WiFi, the time changes, the unideal hotel rooms. I was prepared for all things that come with travel, but I was not in any way prepared for the extreme ups and downs that the past six months have held. I suppose it makes sense, remembering how stable and steady my prior life was. But this is intense, and the emotions continue to come and go, always surprising me with an unexpected entrance, good and bad.
A New Perspective on Freedom
I can’t remember which flight from which airport it happened, but I had a suddenly new perspective of freedom. It was probably the 10th time in the last month that I was promised to have my wheelchair delivered to the gate and when I arrived, it wasn’t there. I sat in the overly large airport wheelchair as an escort started very slowly pushing me through the various lines – immigration, then up an elevator, then down an elevator, always going backwards when there was the slightest of an incline or a tiny little bump. Because, let’s be honest, when I’m by myself I live my life in reverse, right? It’s the most absurd thing. When was the last time you saw a wheelchair user going down a ramp backwards by themselves? No one else has to live their life in reverse; I shouldn’t either. But I digress…
I was not being friendly to her. I know it wasn’t her fault but I was and am so tired of having my freedom stripped away from me and being held at the mercy of someone who has never used a wheelchair, not for a day in their life. I’m starting to wonder if they will complain to their boss who might complain to their boss if I continue to be pushy and rude. My current approach of attacking social media and filing the proper complaint forms online has been totally ineffective, so I’m mixing it up, trying a new approach. I apologize in advance to anyone who has to cross paths with me when these situations arise. I know I am unpleasant.