How Travel Helps Kids Become Unstoppable

Travel helps kids. Full stop. I just want to throw that out there. If you haven’t read about the magic that travel sometimes brings, or the amazing developmental changes our family has experienced, then you may be thinking that I am being silly. But really, today I want to talk about travel as it helps kids to become who they are meant to be, and that is, unstoppable.
Today, the world will celebrate a very special day dedicated to supporting girls in standing up for their rights and make their voices heard: International Day of the Girl. In fact, 2019 is a major milestone for this day, because it marks 25 years since the groundbreaking conference that focused on gender empowerment, reproductive health, and gender equality.
This year’s theme of International Day of the Girl is Girlforce: Unscripted and Unstoppable. According to a publication from Unicef, “Today, girls are moving from dreaming to achieving. More are attending and completing school, fewer are getting married or becoming mothers while still children, and more are gaining the skills they need to excel in the future world of work. Girls are breaking boundaries and barriers posed by stereotypes and exclusion, including those directed at children with disabilities and those living in marginalized communities. As entrepreneurs, innovators and initiators of global movements, girls are leading and fostering a world that is relevant for them and future generations.”