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Kenya’s Big Five: Safari Spectacular

Reading Time: 2 minutes
African lion couple and safari jeep ©Getty Images

The Call of the Wild

Kenya, a land synonymous with the quintessential African safari, offers an unparalleled opportunity to witness the Big Five: lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos, and buffalo.

Accessible Adventures

Kenya’s safaris are inclusive and cater to travelers with disabilities. With specialized tour operators like GoAfrica Safaris and Traveleyes, everyone can experience the thrill of an African safari. Wheelchair-accessible options and tailored experiences for visually impaired travelers ensure that the wonders of Kenya are open to all.

Masai Mara: The Crown Jewel

The Masai Mara, a name that resonates with safari lovers, tops the list of Kenya’s wildlife havens. Its expansive savannahs and the annual wildebeest migration create a spectacular theatre for viewing the Big Five. The Mara’s lack of fences allows animals to roam freely, offering a true wilderness experience. Here, spotting big cats like lions, leopards, and cheetahs is almost a given, especially during the migration season.


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