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Wheelchair Accessible San Francisco

Reading Time: 8 minutes
The Golden Gate Bridge, Wheelchair Accessible San Francisco

With Kids

San Francisco was recently rated in the nation’s top five most walkable cities. I’m calling malarky – at least if you’re traveling with a wheelchair. The hills of San Francisco are even steeper than what you envision (thanks to those movie chase scenes on Lombard Ave). They were scary in a car, and nearly impossible with the manual wheelchair (even with loads of help from Mom and Dad).

Does that mean San Francisco isn’t wheelchair accessible? Absolutely not. We had a fantastic four days in the city – we just didn’t do as much walking as we anticipated. Here’s all we learned, loved, and loathed in the Golden City!

When to Go

Like any city, it’s crowded in the summer. Unlike many cities, summer also isn’t the best weather for visiting. We visited in June, because that’s when we all had vacation, but it was still pretty cold (high 50’s to low 60’s). The fog also lasted until after lunch each day, blocking any views of the bridge or over the water. September is actually the warmest month in San Francisco, and the crowds will have dwindled. I hear it’s also beautiful in the fall.


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