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Navigating D.C. the Path of Art and Accessibility

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Grace Fisher sitting in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C

Setting Out with a Heart Full of Hopes

Every stroke of my mouth stick1 on canvas, every note I play, they’re parts of the story that led me to the steps of Washington D.C. for the VSA Emerging Young Artists Award Ceremony. It wasn’t just about the recognition for my art; it was a marker of how far I’ve come, both as an artist and as a person who refuses to be defined by disability.

The Realities of Traveling Unconventionally

Traveling from my home in Santa Barbara to D.C. was an adventure, to say the least. Imagine setting up an ICU unit across the country in an unfamiliar place. I require breathing assistance using a ventilator at nighttime and a diaphragm pacer during the day. The thought of all of this is anxiety-inducing but I just submit to the process and have to trust that my team will take care of the logistics.  However, letting go of control remains an ongoing effort. Check out this Instagram Reel I made of the trip! https://www.instagram.com/p/C4MZ-ibp-fM/?next=%2F

My family was my rock throughout all of this. I am so grateful for my parents and team who have supported me along the way. It’s an ironic convenience that both my parents are Physical Therapists and have the expertise and knowledge for transfers and my daily care. They didn’t just help with the logistics; they were there to share the highs and the laughter, making the trip more enjoyable and every bit as memorable as the destination itself. My younger sister Emily flew out from London, which was perhaps my favorite part of the trip! I’m so blessed.


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