
A Guide to Accessible Travel in Paris, France

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The Louvre in Paris

Paris, France, known for its rich history, cultural heritage, picturesque landscapes, and gourmet cuisine, is an amazing destination that welcomes travelers from all over the world. 

Getting there

It’s also a city that is more accessible than you might imagine. People with disabilities continue to fight for their equal rights in Paris, so you will encounter varying levels of accessibility. Honestly, Charles de Gaulle Airport can be overwhelming because of its size and the number of travelers passing through but offers services for people with disabilities from the moment they arrive. 

Accessible travel options

You will also find few options for accessible taxis  while in Paris, including G7 Access and Taxi PRM Parisien.  Public buses and trains continue to get better with accessibility and the subway is not accessible.  Be sure to check ahead of time depending on your route and destination.


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