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Brave the Wave – Lexi’s Story of Hope

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Lexi Youngberg Kuppler at the Beautifully Flawed Foundation

Lexi Youngberg Kuppler has practically grown up within the community of the Beautifully Flawed Foundation since attending our second annual retreat in 2014 and the word that comes to mind to describe her is certainty. Evolving from attendee, to community leader and ambassador, and now foundation board member, Lexi is a model of influence that carries certainty of self, circumstance and faith – despite a deep wrestling with the contrary.

In 2009, Lexi was involved in a boating accident that resulted in the death of a friend and the instantaneous amputation of her left leg below the knee. She counts it a blessing today that she was knocked unconscious in the event that would dramatically change her life. And she recognizes the miracle, too, that a marine and trauma surgeon would be first hand witnesses of the event and narrowly save her life. 

After two emergency rooms, 10 surgeries and two months of hospitalization, Lexi began to rebuild her life – starting with learning how to walk again.


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