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Syncing with Natural Light Cycles

Reading Time: 2 minutes
©Kori Meloy Surfing

A Path to Optimized Hormones

In our quest for holistic well-being, we often overlook the profound influence of the simplest and most natural elements within our grasp. One such element is the cycle of natural light, a potent conductor of our body’s intricate hormonal symphony. Synchronizing our lives with these inherent rhythms can usher profound transformations in our health and overall vitality.

The Enchantment of Maui’s Illumination

Maui, a land renowned for its unspoiled beauty and a complete absence of light pollution, bestows upon us an ideal setting for harmonizing with the cadence of natural light. With sunrise and sunset at approximately 6:10 am and 6:34 pm, Maui offers ample opportunities to choreograph our daily routines in harmony with the celestial ballet.

The Science of Light and Hormones

Natural light, especially in the morning, plays a pivotal role in orchestrating our circadian rhythms—the conductors of countless physiological processes, including hormone regulation. Disrupting these rhythms with nighttime exposure to artificial light can set off a cascade of health issues, from sleep disturbances to mood disorders, obesity, and an elevated risk of certain cancers.


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