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From Dis-ease to Ease

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Kori Meloy Early morning surf ©Kori meloy

Reclaiming Health through Metabolic Balance: My Personal Healing Journey

A few years back, my journey with Endometriosis began. Despite this, I found a divine conviction that chronic illness wasn’t destined to define my life. A guiding light led me not only to a practitioner who helped me reverse the dysfunction at its core but also to the question, “What had caused this imbalance?”

Discovering the Root of Dis-ease

The path to wellness isn’t paved with supplements alone. Our lifestyles and environments play a pivotal role. I began to understand that healing was about altering the environment that had fostered the imbalance. This realization marked the start of my exploration into healthy eating, purposeful living, and mindful movement, all aimed at nurturing my body to its most robust state, down to the cellular level.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”


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