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Greece’s Natural Therapy

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Evia Glyfa Gulf photo ©Y Skoulas

Greece is not just renowned for its historical significance and sun-kissed beaches, but also as a beacon for holistic wellness. Rooted in ancient traditions, Greece has long recognized the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit. This article sheds light on how the sun, community, hospitality, and natural resources of Greece contribute to mental wellness.

Holistic Health in Greece’s Tradition

Long before modern medicine’s compartmentalized approach, the medical wisdom of ancient Greece saw humans as an integrated entity. Mind, body, and spirit operated in synergy. This belief in harmony is apparent in Greek traditions which encompass mild therapeutic practices like healing spas, hypnotherapy, massages, and more.

Nature’s Own Pharmacy: Medicinal Spas

With over 800 therapeutic spas dotting the landscape, Greece is nature’s own pharmacy. Each spa, with its distinct water composition, offers a unique therapeutic experience. Some are perfect for imbibing like the waters from Arcadian springs, offering relief to stomach disorders, while others, like springs in Aidipsos, are revered for aiding skin and bone ailments.


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