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Hospitality’s New Era: Welcoming Deaf Travelers

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for hotels ©Sorenson

The Imperative of Inclusive Service

The hospitality industry, particularly hotels, plays a crucial role in offering accessible services to all guests, including those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. By integrating technologies like Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) and on-site sign language interpreters, hotels can ensure effective communication and an inclusive environment for Deaf guests.

Enhancing Guest Experiences

Creating a memorable stay for every guest is essential. For Deaf and hard-of-hearing guests, accessible communication tools at key touchpoints, such as the front desk or during room service, are vital. Providing these services not only enhances their experience but also promotes loyalty and positive referrals, crucial in today’s competitive hospitality sector.

A Commitment to Equality and Accessibility

Featuring accessible communication platforms in hotels symbolizes a commitment to social responsibility and equal treatment. This proactive approach can significantly elevate a hotel’s reputation and attract a wider audience who value inclusivity.


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